I’ve bought a few things to see whether they are engrave-able or not. If they work out well, then, note this, I’m going to give them away to my readers. For free. Yes. Really.
If I screw them up, then I’ll have a few more shooting targets, or maybe someone would still want them.
The only thing I haven’t figured out yet is how to give them away. The simplest would be to pick random commenter from people who’ve commented on the ‘Give Away’ post, but maybe someone has a better idea?
OK, here they are. ‘Top’ things are 1GB iPod Shuffle and pqi 2GB memory stick.
Actually I bought Shuffle just to test whether this aluminium is engrave-able and how the effect looks like. If it is good enough I’ll probably buy iPod Nano for one of the next give aways. I have a few spoons too, but not sure which of them are made of metal that can be engraved.
Definitely have it be something to do with commenting, such as for every comment, we get an entry to win the prizes? Or, a top commentator? It’ll be fun to see all the people involved. 🙂
Pick a comment from here. Preferably comment no2 😛
Happy Halloween!